With a high execution capacity on construction site, Super Sol can be used for any construction situation no matter how distorted the terrain is or there is underground pipe. Due to its lightweight, Super Sol is easily handled and makes execution possible even under rainy condition. It can significantly improve construction period through its lower requirement for preparation and short culture period.

Lightweight embankment material
With the lightweight of Super Sol, Super Sol is used as a backfill material for the subsidence reduction of building and for earth pressure reduction.

Backfill material of retaining wall
With the lightweight and drainage of Super Sol, Super Sol can be used as a material to reduce the burden of embankment on steep slope and earth pressure towards wall surface.

Earth pressure reduction material for underground structure
As the earth pressure reduction construction method for building or a lightweight ground material for backfilling box culvert, characteristics of Super Sol, such as “lightweight” and “execution capacity” are utilized. In renovation construction, Super Sol can be treated the same as generated soil, enabling surplus soil treatment.

Drainage ground material for athletic field・tennis court, etc.
In places, such as athletic field, tennis court, normal pipes are embedded into a poor drainage place. However, along with the age, pipes tend to become clogged. Construction method using Super Sol is easy and simple and gets used to the soil, leading to the lasting effect.

Embanking material for soft ground
Super Sol can be utilized as an embanking material for soft ground in order to secure the safety against sliding destruction. It can reduce the subsidence with one sixth, as compared to normal soil, and provide sufficient strength with a simple rolling compaction.

Lightweight mixed soil
Lightweight is realized by mixing with surplus soil. When it comes to renovation construction, Super Sol is treated the same as surplus soil, enabling surplus soil treatment.

Culvert drainage material
Culvert drainage material is embedded as a drainage material into the earth where has poor drainage and impedes the agriculture production, and changes the agriculture land into a well-drained land. Although the conventional culvert drainage method is not effective in terms of sustainability and waste material treatment due to the utilization of organic material, Super Sol drainage is the method that can solve all of these problems.