Characteristic of Super Sol

Characteristic of supersol

Supersol, which is an artificial porous-lightweight-foaming material (pumice) produced by crushing, baking and foaming the waste glass, is environmentally friendly soil-restoration-type material, and is excellent at water permeability and retention as well as fire proof.

Also in production process, super sol is utilized in many purposes, such as greening, insulation, horticulture, water purification, construction, civil engineering by controlling specific gravity and absorption rate according to the purposes. Supersol is a high value-added product which plays an inevitable role in forming resource recycling society.

Soil restoration


Environmentally friendly and perfect recycling type from earth to earth. In terms of renovation construction, super sol is treated as same as surplus soil treatment.

Water permeability and retention


Excellent drainage even when compaction. It is excellent at water permeability and retention as well as breathability, facilitating the growth of vegetation.



Because super sol is made of glass, it is inorganic material and fire-resistant. It also has a feature that is resistant to chemicals.

Execution capacity (High degree of freedom)


Super sol has high degree of freedom in construction site. Super sol can be used in any construction condition no matter how distorted the terrain is or there is underground pipe. Due to its lightweight, supersol is easily handled and makes execution possible even under rainy condition.

  • Very light(3~4kN/m3)
  • It is easily handled as embankment material and executable by normal execution procedures.
  • No culture period.
  • It is made of recycled glass bottle and does not elute hazardous subsistence, leading to high security for surrounding environment.
  • It is inorganic mineral, thus chemically stable and no corrosion.

Lightweight (controllable specific gravity)


Specific gravity of super sol can be controllable according to the use.

Changing the additive mixture and baking condition, various products with different quality can be made.

StandardSpecific gravity in absolutely dry conditionAbsorption rateCharacteristicUse
L10.25〜0.520% More thanOpen-cell-foam-type super lightweight material with high water retentionGreening: drainage material/Artificial lightweight soil/soil improved material
Horticulture: Improved material for soil/pot bottom stone
Agriculture: soil improved material/culvert drainage material
L20.35〜0.520% Less thanClosed-cell-foam-type super lightweight material with strengthCivil engineering; lightweight embankment material/retaining wall backfill/lightweight mixed soil/abutment rear embankment material/material for modifying free-way level
Livestock; Water quality purification material
L30.5〜1.010% Less thanAlmost closed pore-type lightweight materialHorticulture: hydroculture material
Pet: pet material
L41.0〜1.65% Less thanClosed-cell-foam-type material that nearly sinks in waterCivil engineering: backfill material for the rear of earthquake-resistant wharf/lightweight embankment material less than HW level
Livestock: Water quality purification material/farming pond filter material

Process of development

With regards to the implementation of demonstration test (research and development/demonstration test regarding technology for multi purposes use of waste glass) regarding the use expansion of glass bottle cullet, which is one of “support researches for practical use of recycling technology” that © Clean Japan Center (CJC) accepts from New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), “Super sol” production technology was developed by making a “research and development cooperation agreement” between Kishimoto international technology research, Co., Ltd. and CJC on February 1997 as a supplementary budget granted business by Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.

After that, based on the research result, Trim Co., Ltd. developed the production device and put it into practical use. Currently, Trim introduces the plant throughout the country and expands “the local revitalization” through recycling.

Component table/data