1974 | October | Established Shinkyo company focusing on the sales of office-related machine at Furujima, Nahashi, Okinawa |
1974 | May | Changed the head office location to Uebaru, Naha, Okinawa |
1977 | March | Changed the company name from Shinkyo company to Health, Co., Ltd. |
1979 | February | Established Trim Co., Ltd. at Uebaru, Naha shi, Okinawa (capital 3.5 million Yen) |
1980 | February | Increased the capital to 5 million Yen |
1981 | April | Increased the capital to 9.5 million Yen |
1983 | November | Increased the capital to 40 million Yen |
1986 | June | Set up food and beverage department |
1994 | March | Merged Health Okinawa, Co, Ltd. into Trim Co., Ltd.(current) |
April | Increased the capital to 42.4 million Yen | |
October | Established Trim foods, Co, Ltd. (Affiliated company) | |
1995 | June | Changed education business (lines Okinawa) to the current business (speed reading class) |
December | Established the investigation committee for a new business recycling business (started marketing) | |
1996 | February | Set up recycling business department |
July | Developed “cullet machine”(obtained the patent) with the subsidy for technology improvement business (Trade, Commerce, Construction No.335) granted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 1996 | |
November | “Cullet production machine” received excellence award at the 20th Okinawa industry festival. | |
1997 | April | Assigned as a glass bottle-recycling products promotion contractor by the Japan Containers And Packaging Recycling Association, based on the Container and Packaging Recycling Act. |
June | Opened “unused recycling resource factory” at Gushikami-son, Shimajiri-gun, Okinawa | |
June | Received technology contribution award from the Kohatsu production industry promotion fund | |
July | Received Technology Contribution Award from the Okigin Furusato promotion Fund. | |
November | Registered as waste material recycling business contractor (ver.11-2) from Okinawa | |
1998 | February | Made a business cooperation agreement with Kishimoto international technology research, Co., Ltd. Kanagawa |
September | Developed “the technology and device to prototype a new product with lightweight material using the waste glass” due to the subsidy for innovative technology research and development business granted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 1999. | |
November | Lightweight material “supersol” received the Contribution Award at the 22th Okinawa industry festival | |
1999 | February | Small and medium-sized innovative business promotion act was applied t Trim from Okinawa (Commerce and Industry No.471-1) |
April | Addressed technology development to produce new material recycled products from recyclable wastes due to research and development subsidy for small and medium-sized enterprises (Commerce and Construction No.138). | |
June | Opened the “unused resource recycling factory” at Gushikami-son, Shimajiri-gun, Okinawa and started production of lightweight material “supersol” from glass bottle | |
August | Lightweight material, supersol, obtained the permission of technology and production based on the civil engineering technology and technology assessment certification guideline of the Minister of Construction-certified organization, Public Works Research Center. Technology assessment certification document…technology assessment certification document #1103, name of technology lightweight material “supersol” using glass bottle |
2000 | Received “recycling promoting business office contribution commendation, Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry Award” | |
2001 | March | Received “Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises New Machine Development Award in 2000”from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Machine Industry (chairman Shoichiro Toyoda) |
March | Received “Nahashi promotion of waste material reduction business office commendation, appreciation letter” from Nahashi, Okinawa (local governor Takeshi Onaga) | |
April | Received “2001 originality and ingenuity contribution award” from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology | |
October | Received “Employment of senior citizens development contest effort award” from Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare | |
October | Installed Super Sol manufacturing plant in Fukuoka Prefecture (Araki Cement Co., Ltd.) | |
2002 | November | Supersol sun guard received “excellence award (Izenason block industry)”at the 26th Okinawa industry festival |
November | Increased the capital to 51.4 million Yen | |
December | Increased the capital to 97.4 million Yen | |
2003 | February | Kishimoto international technology research, Co., Ltd. became affiliated company to Trim |
May | Received appreciation letter from the communication department of self-defense forces in Okinawa region | |
July | Installed Super Sol manufacturing plant in Hokkaido (E&M Co., Ltd.). | |
November | Inorganic soil improving material Supersol received “excellence award” at the 27th industry festival Okinawa | |
November | Received Okinawa unique business award | |
2004 | February | Received Ryukyu Shimpo-contribution award (Industry section) |
May | Received the award from Okinawa general bureau, cabinet office |
July | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Shizuoka Prefecture (Sol Technica Co., Ltd.). | |
December | IObtained ISO9001 certificate | |
December | Supersol was certified as a recycling material (Okinawa) | |
2005 | June | Waste glass recycling plant received “31th excellent environment device commendation, The Japan Society of Industrial Machinery Manufactures Chairman awards” |
August | Authentication and register of Eco Action 21 | |
November | Permeable Herbicide (supersol transparent lump) received contribution award at Okinawa industry festival | |
2006 | February | Supersol was certified as an inorganic soil improving material by the authorizing system of recycled products in Okinawa |
March | Supersol was certified as recycling resource-contained soil improving material by the authorizing system of evaluating recycling material in Okinawa. |
June | Installed Super Sol manufacturing plant in Gifu Prefecture (Techno-Eco Co., Ltd.). | |
October | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Akita Prefecture (Hokushu-yoki Co., Ltd.). | |
2007 | April | Established a Super Sol manufacturing plant in Aomori Prefecture (Loop Co., Ltd.). |
June | Trim, Co., Ltd. was selected as 300 robust small and medium-sized enterprises supporting the future of Japan by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Technology. | |
September | Received “2th The Monodzukuri Nippon Grand Award Special Award” from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Technology. | |
2010 | February | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Hiroshima Prefecture (Cocco Co., Ltd.). |
2011 | December | Received commendation of excellent promoter of recycling-based society, Minister of Environment Award |
2012 | March | Increased the capital to 127.4 million Yen |
2013 | November | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Fukuoka Prefecture (Ohtsubo GSI Co., Ltd.). |
2014 | August | Installed Super Sol manufacturing plant in Ibaraki Prefecture (Solk Co., Ltd.). |
September | Established the first overseas super sol manufacturing plant in Taiwan (Feng Yue Yuan). | |
December | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Hyogo Prefecture (Shinyo Tekko Co., Ltd.). | |
2015 | June | Increased the capital to 152.4 million Yen |
September | Super Sol manufacturing plant installed in Shiga Prefecture (Ayashiro Co., Ltd.). | |
November | Construction of a new plant in Aragusuku, Yaese-cho, Okinawa. | |
2016 | May | Established and became a member of the Glass Foam Materials Cooperative. |
December | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Okayama Prefecture (Landbell Co., Ltd.). | |
2019 | February | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Iwate Prefecture (Spat Kitakami Co., Ltd.). |
July | JISZ7313 established for glass foam recycling materials. | |
2020 | February | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Yamagata Prefecture (Westech Yamagata Co., Ltd.). |
April | Glass Foam Materials Cooperative Association was certified as a public demand qualified association. | |
July | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Gunma Prefecture (Resource Innovation Co., Ltd.). | |
2021 | October | Received the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award in the 2021 Industrial Standardization Business Awards |
2022 | March | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Kochi Prefecture (Chikazawa Construction Company Co., Ltd.). |
August | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Miyazaki Prefecture (Kobayashi Eisei Kousha Co., Ltd.). | |
2023 | April | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Kyoto Prefecture (Kyoufuji Konpou Unyu Co., Ltd.). |
September | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Yamanashi Prefecture (Azeria Co., Ltd.). | |
2024 | April | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Wakayama Prefecture (Wako Sangyo Ltd.). |
August | Super Sol manufacturing plant established in Fukushima Prefecture (Sagihatsuri, Corp.). |